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Monday, August 17, 2009

Show and Tell

Showing off my pets!
Suki is the lighter siamese mix and rocky is the tabby. Its funny to see them next to each other because they don't really like each other. Suki thinks she is the queen and should just be admired.
Rock wants to put her in her place but she just sticks her nose up at him. They are only together because they were both wanting to be on the monitor (its warm) eventually Suki pushed him off with her feet.
Chico the chihuahua is the old man... and Pickles is just a kid they both have fun playing together but not as much as Rock and Pickles... Its a riot to see the cat and the dog wrestling.
Never a dull moment here.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Great Give away!!

One of my fellow Etsy Sellers is having a great giveaway! Please visit her website, its quite a great site too.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

This and That

It's only a few short weeks till we fly to Amsterdam for a two week cruise. I find it hard to concentrate on anything other than what to pack and what a great time I'll be having. I did find time to put some glass in the kiln yesterday so I'll be working on a few new pendants and a couple of Glass Business card holders.
Show and Tell later .....
Ok need coffee and get some work done before I can play with my glass.
Good day all!
Oh yea.. The dogs and cats have been on their best behavior.... for now :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Oh what a night......

Well, surviving this morning on lots of coffee. Last night went to bed about 11:00 pm
About 1 am I wake up to animal commotion. Apparently a neighborhood cat was in my back yard and chico was barking at it and the cat must of jumped into our yard and the chase was on. This cat must of gotten confused and ran in our doggie door and chico was close behind him. Next thing I know is waking up to dogs barking cats screaming. I ran out to the dining area and there is a white cat (not mine) in the corner. My cat Rocky is also known as the protector cat and both dogs are all running in every direction. Tom opens the front door and says lets see if the cat will run out. My first thought was sure that cat runs and all our animals will be right behind it.
So we gather our animals to put them in the bedroom and return to find the cat was gone.
He took that opportunity to get he hell out dodge!
In the end chico had a minor bite on his back and a few scratches on his tummy. The cats were walking around with tails puffed up. So after getting everyone settled down for the night I'm foggy headed and drinking lots of coffee.

Just another day in the life of the Kroplinksi's

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Just finished a great Art Glass Peacock. Was surprised to see a hole in it when I pulled open the Kiln. But I'm loving it with the hole. Adds a whole new dimension to the piece. Funny how things work out.

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Las Vegas, NV, United States